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moscow metro造句

"moscow metro"是什么意思  
  • Anatoly Reznik, a Moscow metro security officer, told the ITAR-Tass news agency.
  • The Moscow Metro has long been seen as especially vulnerable to terrorism.
  • To reciprocate, a Moscow Metro station was named Rimskaya ( Roman ).
  • In January 2007, Moscow Metro began replacing magnetic cards with MIFARE Ultralight technology.
  • Some lines of Moscow Metro lost power, stranding people in trains.
  • In February, 41 people died in a rush-hour explosion on the Moscow metro.
  • He was determined to realise the Moscow Metro, regardless of cost.
  • Khrushchev was responsible for overseeing the development and completion of the Moscow Metro.
  • -------------Sidebar 1 By NIKOLAI TARAROV Deputy Chief of the Moscow Metro
  • Riders on the Moscow metro reminisced with strangers about their favorite Listyev show.
  • It's difficult to see moscow metro in a sentence. 用moscow metro造句挺难的
  • The street gives its name to a Moscow metro station " Tsvetnoy Bulvar ".
  • The same plan required removal of tram tracks in line with Moscow Metro construction.
  • The 2010 Moscow Metro bombings are also believed to result from the Chechen conflict.
  • Moscow Metro starts opening at 05 : 25 and closes at 01 : 00.
  • The Moscow Metro has 180 stations used by around 7 million passengers per day.
  • It serves two urban transport systems : motor vehicles and the Moscow Metro subway.
  • This project comprised female members'forcibly kissing policewomen in Moscow metro stations and on the streets.
  • A shared taxi service connects the town to the Yugo-Zapadnaya station of the Moscow Metro.
  • In 1952 the first turnstile in the Moscow Metro system was installed at this station.
  • *Dokka Umarov organizer of Moscow metro bombing, POVing lead.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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